About us

Object Press was founded in 2008, inspired by the enjoyment of literary innovation and the pleasure of beautifully designed books in print. Situated in Toronto, we are a small, independent publisher of contemporary fiction.

Our projects do not fall within established genres, nor do they come from any one place. They do, however, endeavor to express creative ideas in novel ways. We are drawn to projects that push fiction — and other forms of creative and critical writing — forward, winning us over to the joy of discovering new narratives and new ideas.

We love writing that is precise, free of clutter and cliché, infused with light and dark, humor and its absence, unusual phrasing. Favoring concision, our books tend to be relatively short.

And why print? While by no means shying away from digital media, we believe a unique and valuable experience rests in the holding and handling of printed material; those elegant, tactile objects we invite into our homes, our lives, our thoughts; books that make their presence felt. Such books — and we hope that ours are among them — are objects intended for use, reflection, and, above all, for our indelible delight.

Finding our books

All of our editions are available for purchase either directly through this website (by visiting the books section, with payments via PayPal), or through Amazon.com.

There are also a number of bricks and mortar bookshops that carry our titles, so if your favorite shop doesn’t have stock, we encourage you to ask them about placing an order.

If you happen to run a bookshop of your own, or have any questions about selling or distributing our titles, please contact us about wholesale pricing.

Getting in touch

We encourage you to write to us with any comments or questions about our books, about what you see on this website, or about your own literary projects and interests.

While we are open to submissions, please note that we publish very few titles generally. We encourage you to review our list and consider our interests in relation to your own before writing with your proposal.

Write to Richard di Santo at editor [at] objectpress [dot] com

Object Press
14-221 Sterling Road
Toronto ON  M6R 2B2

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Except where stated, all material copyright © Object Press, 2010.